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15 + 16 May 2015
A Lab, Volkshotel & Radion, Amsterdam
Audiovisual art,
digital culture & music

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Copyright 2015 FIBER Festival
Design + Dev. by Studio Naam

Symposium — Location: Volkshotel Sat 16 May, 10.00 - 18.00 hrs

Filip Visnjic RS/UK
/ panel


In this panel artists, designers and thinkers are invited to discuss the Influence of these digital tools and autonomous systems on the production and distribution of art & design.

Date: 16 May
Location: Volkshotel
Time: 10.00 – 18.00 hrs

Also part of this panel: Matthias Tarasiewicz/ Matthew Plummer-Fernandez / Margriet Schavemaker / more to be announced

Digital methods, such as alternative currencies, blockchain encryption, crowd sourcing and Big Data of taste are used as artistic techniques. But who are the owners of digital or internet artworks; and what influence does digital distribution of art have on concepts such as authenticity and autonomy? Can the frame (whether physical or digital) in which we view or distribute an artwork also be called art, or is it only a technique? This discussion panel will be organised in collaboration with FRAMED and will be hosted by Filip Visnjic.

Filip Visnjic is an architect, lecturer, curator and a new media technologist born in Belgrade now living in London. He specialises in directing web, new media and architectural projects while also contributing to a number of blogs and magazines about art, design and technology. He is an editor-in-chief at, editorial director of HOLO Magazine, platform director at FRAMED and he lectures at a number of universities in the UK.

What is FRAMED?
FRAMED is an Internet connected display that allows you to showcase artwork in a way that has never been done before. Designed to be a new type of canvas for the art of our generation, perfect for creators and fans of visual culture alike. The evolution of technology and accessibility of the internet has brought out an expansive range and depth in digital art, and now, FRAMED can bring digital art into your everyday at home, in a gallery – in fact anywhere you’d like.

Also part of this panel: Matthias Tarasiewicz / Matthew Plummer-Fernandez / more to be announced



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Copyright 2025 FIBER Festival — Design and Development by Studio Naam