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15 + 16 May 2015
A Lab, Volkshotel & Radion, Amsterdam
Audiovisual art,
digital culture & music

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Copyright 2015 FIBER Festival
Design + Dev. by Studio Naam

Symposium — Location: Volkshotel Sat 16 May, 10.00 - 18.00 hrs

Hans de Zwart NL
/ keynote-presentation

Hans de Zwart

In his keynote Hans de Zwart will reflect on developments such as the unbridled desire for data retention by corporations and the implications of these developments for privacy.

Date: 16 May
Location: Volkshotel
Time: 10.00 – 18.00 hrs

He will also show how software developers determine the possibilities and, especially, the limits of a system or platform that contains personal data. These arbitrary limits often conflict with human interpretations, for example in Facebook’s ‘Year in Review’, which presented users’ most popular posts of the past year as highlights, regardless of their actual content.

Hans de Zwart is director of the Dutch digital civil rights organization ‘Bits of Freedom’ and an independent educational strategist. In the past he was Shell‘s Senior Innovation Adviser for Global HR and Learning Technologies, and before that a Moodle consultant and Physical Education teacher at a high school in Amsterdam. He operates on the intersections between technology (which he prefers to be “open”), civil society, innovation and education. He believes that technology is never neutral and that design matters.


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Copyright 2025 FIBER Festival — Design and Development by Studio Naam