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15 + 16 May 2015
A Lab, Volkshotel & Radion, Amsterdam
Audiovisual art,
digital culture & music

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Copyright 2015 FIBER Festival
Design + Dev. by Studio Naam

Exhibition — Location: A Lab Fri 15 - Mon 18 May, 12.00 - 19.00 hrs

Portrait (2013) / SSBKYH KR
/ installation

Portrait (2013), ssbkyh

Seldomly, a movie poster depicts the main character and overall mood of a whole movie all at once. Shinseungback Kimyonghun however, have managed to capture these elements in full with their artistic ‘Portrait’ software.

Date: 15 – 18 May
Location: A Lab
Time: 12.00 – 19.00 hrs

The artwork generated by custom software is presented in a series of portraits which represents identities of movies. Faces are detected in every 24 frames of a movie, after which an average face of all found faces is generated. ‘Portrait’ then compiles all the results into a composite image, reflecting the centric figure(s) and the visual mood of the movie.

Shinseungback Kimyonghun is a Seoul based artist duo consisting of Shin Seung Back and Kim Yong Hun. Their collaborative practice explores social and cultural impacts of technology.

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Copyright 2025 FIBER Festival — Design and Development by Studio Naam